Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby banana pancakes

 I love pancakes and eat them quite often for breakfast, (or when having a sweets craving), and I thought they would be great for AJ to eat because of their soft consistency.  I was a little concerned though, because there is really nothing nutritious about regular pancakes, so with some searching, and creativity on my part, I put together this recipe, and it has gone over like gangbusters!  This is a doubled recipe, because I make it in a big batch and freeze them.

2 Cups Wheat flour
2 Tbsp Stevia
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs, slightly beaten OR

1 egg, slightly beaten and
1 Tbsp flax seed meal mixed with 3 Tbsp water*

2 cup milk
2 mashed bananas
1/2 cup plus 1/8 cup applesauce

You could also add cinnamon, nutmeg, or whatever spices you think your baby would like, or also berries would be very yummy.  Nuts would make a great addition for older children, but I wouldn't recommend them for children under 1.

Mix all ingredients together, if it still seems a bit thick, add a little more milk.
Cook on a griddle set at 300 for about 2 minutes on each side.  I sprayed mine with Pam, and poured the pancakes with an 1/8 cup, so they turned out to be just a few inches around.  I could make about 14 at a time on my electric griddle. Once cooked and cooled, they freeze fantastically, and now I just grab a couple out and microwave for 30 seconds and breakfast is served.  AJ loves them plain, no butter or syrup of any kind.

*I use Bob's Red Mill Flax Seed Meal.  I get it at King Soopers. When mixed like this you can substitute it for an egg in almost any recipe.  I put it in my banana bread and cookies, and you can't even tell.  Flax seed is a great source of fiber, omega-3's, and vitamin E, among other things so it's nice to sneak it in where I can.

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