Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Netflix Summer

My friends are all blogging about Hawaii, and I'm like, yay for my backyard...

That's not my backyard :(

Since we're trying to get a new car this summer, we'll pretty much be sticking around this beautiful state  and finding fun things to do.  But before we get that started I have to find some new things to watch.  Since all of our shows are off for the summer, we usually find a few new shows to watch on Netflix.  I love watching shows this way, because you can watch anytime, and you can watch a few in a row of you like, or a whole season if you get really addicted.  Which I have never, ever done ; )  So here are the shows we're trying this year.

Parks and Recreation:  This show was suggested, or rather pushed at me, by Colleen for awhile.  She and Ryan love The Office and Parks and Rec, and thought we would too.  Well, we are not big fans of The Office, so I didn't think I would like P&R either.  Boy, was I wrong!  I am completely obsessed.  I fell head over heels for Leslie Knope and her band of misfits.  This show is about a cute and quirky group of government workers, who are hilarious.  Leslies drive and passion for her job is perfectly countered by her boss Ron's contempt for big government and it's spending.  They are my two favorites but they are perfectly accompanied by Aziz Ansari, Aubrey Plaza, Rob Lowe, Adam Scott, and Chris Pratt.  Chris Pratt was so great as the doofy guest star on the first season that they had to make him a regular.  I watched  the first 4 seasons on Netflix in just a couple weeks and I am not so patiently waiting for the new season to come.

Arrested Development:  I feel like everyone I know is in love with this show, and I'm not sure I know yet why.  I am currently on the third episode of Season 1, and it's weird.  I love everyone in this show, but I don't know how much of my time I'm going to give it.  Maybe I just don't get this kind of humor, but I think I'll give it a season at least.  And what is up with Portia's wardrobe?!  Crazy!

Breaking Bad:  I'm not sure how we haven't been watching this show since it started.  It's like, all about my husband.  Not really, but kind of.  It's about a chemistry teacher who finds out that he is dying of cancer and starts making meth to leave money for his family.  Because he's a chemist, it's much better than the usual stuff, but it also comes with all the other bad drug dealer type stuff.  We are also only 3 episodes into BB, but loving it so far.

Parenthood:  While home with baby last summer I watched the first 3 seasons of this family drama, wishing I was part of this huge crazy family who just love each other.  Dax Shepard and Lauren Graham are my two favorite characters.  They are kinda both the family screw-ups so you just want to cheer them on.  I didn't finish season 3 in time to catch up with season 4 in the fall so I am very excited for it to come back as well.

Our other shows to possibly try are Mad Men and Copper.  Any  other suggestions?


  1. I thought you would never ask: 1. Sherlock 2. PLEASE GIVE Battlestar Galactica another try! 3. Friday Night Lights, how are you NOT obsessed yet? 4. Veronica Mars 5. Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife

  2. Yay! I'm so glad your blog is back! You make me giggle :-) A few years ago, Levi and I did a staycation and it was amazing! We just did a bunch of day trips and one overnight trip in Winter Park. Colorado has some amazing sights to see, and just packing a picnic and heading to the mountains is not something we do on a normal basis so it felt like a vacation to us!
    I love Parenthood too... it just never gets old or predictable to me! We started watching Revolution, I haven't watched the finale yet but I really like it! We also watch Grimm-- that was a recommendation from my Mom, I was a little leery at first but I love it now!
